Wednesday, March 11, 2015

What does "Identical" mean again?

I really am amazed sometimes at the stupidity of others. This stupidity of not knowing what the word "identical" means when it comes to twins.

1.     similar in every way
2.     being the very same; selfsame
3.     agreeing exactly

identical twin
     one of a pair of twins who develop from a single fertilized ovum and therefore have the same genotype, are of the same sex, and usually resemble each other closely.

fraternal twin
     one of a pair of twins, not necessarily resembling each other, or of the same sex, that develop from two separately fertilized ova.

The definition escapes so many people.
  1. When I went in for my first post-natal checkup at my obstetrician's office, the nurse asked me what the sex of my twins were. I said a boy and a girl. She then asked me if they are identical.
  2. I was talking with the receptionist at my children's pediatrician's office who has twins herself. I was talking to her about this very subject after she came over to see my twins. I said people ask the most stupid questions sometimes, like, "are they identical?" She laughed a little then in all seriousness asked, "well, are they identical?"
  3. A teacher, whom my mother works with, asked if they are identical and my mother replied with, "No. They are a boy and a girl. How could they be identical?" The teacher was confused and said she thought it had something to do with their facial features looking similar.

I shake my head and roll my eyes so many times it hurts. Come on people. Smarten up!

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